The School of Adventure and Awe presents

Backyard Awe

Join us for an adventure in allowing yourself to be amazed. It’s great for your mental health, reduces stress, increases your sense of gratitude and connection to yourself and others.

Backyard Awe adventures are an invitation to experience the wonder and presence available, right outside your door, just waiting for you to notice.

You don’t need to get on an airplane to experience the joy and transformation provided by an adventure, in fact there are amazing things that are free and that everyone has access to. Backyard Awe is an invitation to see with new eyes and enjoy a micro adventure at any time of the day or night.

Share the collective effervescence of experiencing an awe inspiring view, or some tiny little detail that stops you in your tracks and makes room for your curiosity and insight to come forward. How did it get here? How did I not notice this beauty before now?

Train your brain to slow down and notice what is here. It will spark creativity, peace of mind and a sense of fulfillment that you didn’t know existed.

  • amazing tree

    The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.

    -W.B. Yeats